

Ballroom Action

Learn to Dance Series for Beginners




 The social foxtrot, sometimes known as slow rhythm dancing, is the most useful of the ballroom dances.

 It can be danced to any 4/4 music at a great variety of tempos.

It is useful at balls, dinner dances, night clubs, piano bars, dance halls and parties.

 An essential dance for any ballroom dancer.


The eight figures detailed in the Tri-Pak are as follows:

 1. Basic Step  2. Zigzag Basic  3.Promenade  4. Promenade with Underarm Turn  

5. Reverse Rock   6. Reverse Turn    7. Pivot Turn    8. Promenade Pivot Turn



  The DVD video has step by step descriptions of the eight figures for you to learn the social foxtrot in the easiest way possible. There is a separate viewing for the timing.

(55 minutes running time)




  The CD has two tracks of music for your practice, the first of which has eight bars of timing count voice-over (slows and quicks) to get you started with the music.





  The BOOKLET has all the figures described in a step by step format as a reference for you when you are away from your DVD player. There are many coloured photos to assist your learning, as well as helpful hints on leading and following. There is an illustration showing the correct line of dance in a ballroom.



 ONLY $29.50 plus $5.50 p&p ($35.00) within Australia.             

Customers resident outside Australia pay AUD29.50 plus p&p at cost. Please contact us for cost of p&p to your country.

